Animal Space Allocation

Cage space in the vivarium at the Ragon Institute is managed by the Animal Space Advisory Committee (ASAC). Faculty needs are considered equally and assignments are made using a transparent process that takes into account past and projected usage. The role of ASAC is to facilitate research in the vivarium by keeping cage space allocation aligned with current needs through a centralized and prompt process. A detailed explanation of the Animal Cage Space Allocation Procedure can be found in Ragon Institute Operational (RIO) SOP section under “Science Resources” -> “Laboratory SOPS” -> “RIO-SOP-006”. The current members of ASAC are:

  • Alison Ringel (Core Member)
  • Todd Allen (Core Member)
  • Heather Manning (Consultant)

The ASAC meets (at least) quarterly. The next scheduled ASAC meeting is on Jan 5, 2023. Subsequent meetings will be held on April 6, July 6 and October 5, 2023.

For new investigators or investigators with new animal programs, please fill out and submit the “Initial Cage Space Request” form. For investigators with existing colonies who need more space, please fill out and submit the “Additional Cage Space Request” form.