Ragon Events

Planning an event? We’re here to help!

Be aware that most Ragon events need pre-approval and all proposed events should be reviewed by the Ragon Events team. Don’t be scared; we’re here to make event planning easier!

How do I know if my event needs approval?

  • Events that happen onsite at the Ragon must be approved in advance
  • Events that happen offsite that are paid for in whole or in part by Ragon funds must be approved in advance
  • Events that happen offsite and are not paid for in whole or in part by Ragon funds do not need to be approved

How far in advance should I get approval for my event?

30 days

For events that need approval:

Once you have some details figured out (time, place, location, purpose of event), please fill out the Ragon Event Proposal Form. Once the events team receives your request, we will be in contact with you to assist in planning, approval, and execution of your event as needed. 

Note: If this event is a lab-related event, please be sure to discuss the event with your PI and Grant Administrator before filling out the Survey Monkey form.

So remember to Keep Calm, and contact the Ragon Events team before you Party On!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at RagonEvents@mgh.harvard.edu

Have a suggested event for the Ragon Culture Committee? You can reach out to them at RagonCC@mgh.harvard.edu!
