
While it is always unfortunate when someone’s time at the Ragon comes to an end, Ragon HR seeks to be supportive when someone has chosen to move on from their current role, whatever the reason. The resources below have been created to ensure a smooth transition for both the individual and their manager.

For Employees

If you have not yet notified HR of your departure, please email MGHRHR@MGH.HARVARD.EDU ASAP.

Please complete each step listed within your respective checklist below before your last day of employment. Failure to complete the following steps before your last day of work may result in delays with your final paycheck and employee audit discrepancies at the Ragon. Moreover, if your termination is not processed in time and you are paid after your end date, Mass General/Ragon will recoup any overpaid funds.

For Non-Employees

If you have not yet notified HR of your departure, please email MGHRHR@MGH.HARVARD.EDU ASAP.

While there are not pay issues involved for departing non-employees, it is still important that you complete the items contained in the below checklist in order for your time at the Ragon to be closed appropriately.

For Managers

The below checklists provide steps for managers to take when an individual – either an employee or non-employee – is departing the Ragon.

Retirement Resources